I received this great letter from the Americans For Prosperity so I wanted to share it with all of you. If you can afford it please do give them a donation as this is a fine Conservative organization that does good work for the cause.
Did you notice something missing from President Obama’s State of
the Union speech on Tuesday?
Obama forgot to mention his biggest "accomplishments": sticking the
American people with liberal policies, like ObamaCare and the $814 billion
dollar Stimulus, that destroy jobs, pile up debt, burden our small businesses
with runaway regulations, and focus on redistributing wealth rather than make
our entire economy stronger.
Z AC Tech, I hope you saw our "Obama Forgets" effort last
week—a critical initiative that put the spotlight on President Obama’s record,
and drew focus to the failed liberal policy agenda he seems to
"forget" whenever he’s giving yet another speech.
Obama knows the only way to save face and gain support is by making sure
Americans also "forget" about the policies during his three failed
years as President.
that’s why I’m asking you for help today. With President Obama determined to
hide from his record, can you help AFP remind the American people about the
negative impact Obama’s policies have had on our economic freedom and
Z AC Tech, thanks to the hard work and support of activists like
you, even Obama himself is running scared about the massive effect AFP’s
efforts will have on his policy agenda.
fact, just last week, the Obama campaign launched its first TV ad of 2012.
And, instead of addressing the biggest problems facing our
country, the ad directly attacked Americans for Prosperity.
right—the first ad of President Obama’s re-election campaign was all about AFP,
smearing us as "secretive" and attacking our 1.9 million grassroots
activists—hardworking American taxpayers like you.
Obama’s concerned because AFP has the most well-informed, the best-mobilized,
and the most determined group of activists out there—and we’re going to keep
fighting until we cut through President Obama’s “forgetfulness” and bring the
truth right to the American people.
And already, AFP has put the groundwork in place to build on our
success—and guarantee even more policy victories in 2012.
AFP’s new Field Program will take action in 16 critical states,
204 counties, and will rally not just our 1.9 million AFP activists
nationwide—but help attract the millions of like-minded Americans who aren’t
yet fighting alongside you and me on the side of freedom.
80 team members, based right in communities like yours, we will lead the charge
with rallies, events, block walking, door knocking, phone banking, and paid and
earned media on TV, radio, print, and the internet.
Z AC Tech, you know the kind of results AFP gets—and, in 2012, we’re
going to make the biggest impact in our organization’s entire history.
But we can’t make the most of this effort without your help.
you very much for everything you’ve done—and I know that, with your help, we
will bring freedom and prosperity back to America.

Tim Phillips, President
Americans for Prosperity

Tim Phillips, President
Americans for Prosperity
You know you're making a difference when the President of the United States
attacks you in his first TV ad of 2012. Let's make sure we answer his
dishonest attack with the truth about his failed big government record.
Can you help us remind the American people of everything Obama’s
"forgotten"? Click here to donate $25,
$50, $100 or more to AFP—and help us expose the truth behind Obama’s failed
liberal policy agenda.
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