A blog by Z_AC_Tech. Proud to be an exceptional American TEAhadist Conservative Infidel. Embrace the Conservative core values of low taxes, smaller government, freedom to practice religion or not if you desire, right to bear arms, a strong military and the right to an alternative education verses the failed public education. The Liberal answer let’s throw more money and regulations at the problem. Big government, big labor and big business is oppressing the common man. Reagan Akbar!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Neoconservatism isn't new or conservative
Hardly a day goes by without a member of the far left wing falsely accusing conservatives of racism, bigotry, and a wide array of similar nasty things. 21 Democrat Senators organized the record Senate filibuster of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. A calculation of 26 major civil rights votes from 1933 through the 1960's civil rights era shows that Republicans favored civil rights in approximately 96% of the votes, whereas the Democrats opposed them in 80% of the votes! I am tired of the lefts predictable history revisions. Go to the Merriam Webster dictionary and you will see that the #1 definition of a neocon is a former liberal espousing political conservatism. The term has turned into poorly used slur by the left, the ironic thing is the labeled neocons rarely are. As a most have never been a liberal and they also generally abhor liberal beliefs. I prefer to think of myself as a Compassionate Conservative. Neoconservatism isn't new or conservative; the concept of using American power to establish democracy and protect freedom is at its core a liberal, internationalist idea.
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