Newsbusters' Scott Whitlock reported Monday that all three major networks "hyped the "ugly" and "disturbing" "outrage" of students at the University of California, Davis campus being sprayed with pepper."

A blog by Z_AC_Tech. Proud to be an exceptional American TEAhadist Conservative Infidel. Embrace the Conservative core values of low taxes, smaller government, freedom to practice religion or not if you desire, right to bear arms, a strong military and the right to an alternative education verses the failed public education. The Liberal answer let’s throw more money and regulations at the problem. Big government, big labor and big business is oppressing the common man. Reagan Akbar!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Video shows UC Davis protesters agreed to be pepper-sprayed, media ignores
Newsbusters' Scott Whitlock reported Monday that all three major networks "hyped the "ugly" and "disturbing" "outrage" of students at the University of California, Davis campus being sprayed with pepper."
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